Friday, January 22, 2010

Music in Northern New York

Like many people, I am amazed at the lack of live music in Northern New York. If you aren't into Metal or DJ's, it is difficult to find any original live music. A few years ago I stumbled upon a wonderful venue to see live music from artists who, though I've never heard of them, have been astounding in their originality and talent.

The Lewis County Historical Society hosts the Black River Valley concert series at their headquarters in Lowville, NY. The building is an old Masonic lodge that they are renovating with the proceeds from the concerts. The concert hall is set up like a coffee house with four or five to a table and a very relaxed atmosphere. they usually look for talent that is little known but very eclectic and they haven't disappointed so far. I've seen dozens of concerts there and everytime I've come away inspired and refreshed. They serve wine, coffee, tea and dessert in the lobby and while experiencing the concerts the audience is surrounded by artifacts of bygone years in Lewis county, including a sleigh hearse at the back of the room! That was a first!

This year the lineup kicked off to a great start with the legendary Aztec Two Step. This concert was one of the finest I've ever seen. The harmoneis were impeccable and the songwriting was superb. I've been a fan of Aztec Two Step for years so I recognized many of the songs. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find them interpreting their own songs in different ways. It wasn't a replay of an album, it was a revitalization of their discography. If you have ever seen them, do it again, if no, just do it.

Next up this weekend is the Kelly Flint Trio. Kelly Flint was the "sultry" voice of Dave's True Story and is now going solo. I've personally not heard her very much but I'm anticipating a great show. The show starts at 8pm in Lowville (7552 South State St.) on January 23rd. I know it is short notice, but it will be worth going.

The lineup is as follows for the rest of the winter. I will be attending everyone that the weather nad the gods permit and will comment after each show.

February 6th, Lipbone Redding Orchestra
February 13th, Lindsay Mac
February 20th, Ari Hest
March 6th, CARA
March 21st, 7pm, Sunday at the Beaver River Central School.
March 27th, Buskin & Batteau
April 10th, John Jorgenson Quintet (DO NOT MISS!)
April 24th, Zen For Primates
April 30th, Friday, Bruce Robison.
May 8th, Stephen Fearing
May 15th, Guggenheim Grotto.

The Lewis County Historical Society can be reached at 315-376-8957.
Ticket to most events will be available at Dr. Guitar Music in Watertown, or at the Historical Society in Lowville.

Talk to you later,
Dr. Guitar

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